Good game fantastic
Really great game suggestion new map more forest and trees more cover updates lots of updates bigger map u should make it ultimate eagle sim also I was hoping after uls you could make ultimate robin simulator it be really cool so first you have to make a nest and theres a neighborhood with decks so u can make nests on them and was your eggs our layer u have to go find food for them worms insects grasshoppers then once your eggs hatch u have 10 days to keep finding them food and raising with male robin and theirs a time and beehive and you have to be able to land on every tree and also like u did in old wolf sim where at like level 30 You have another map and u can move to a different area and also you have teach your babys how to fly and keep feeding the m for the first few days out of the nest and follow them then u go back to your old nest once they have left and start a new. Nest of blue eggs oh and there should be a farm with barn and shed and other robins try to steal your eggs well actually Hawks and eagles do you have missions you can land on bison and just lay on them brecause there so big they cannot notice you there should be cliffs leading down to small valley caves bat bears mountains and bears and bigger animals dont atack. Because. Your no threat your too small oh and waterfalls dot forget buffs and up rages as well
I love wolves about
Eagle Simulator